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Title: A very awesome song
Artist: Some great artists
Album: A legendary album
Duration: will be an endless experience
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Title: A very awesome song
Artist: Some great artists
Album: A legendary album
Duration: will be an endless experience
You can also control the music with any Spotify App! Just select Relaxing Clock in Spotify Connect!
Pro Tip: Right click on the play button to skip tracks; scroll with the mouse wheel on the player to set the volume.
Set an alarm that wakes you up with beautiful colors. And don't worry if you accidentally close the tab, I'll keep that in mind :)
I can send you a notification if you are doing something else and you don't have Relaxing Clock opened in front of you
The Pomodoro Timer efficiently splits your workflow into a 25-minutes working session and a 5-minutes break. Relaxing Clock can also set a longer 45/15-minutes session if you really are an hard-worker
Keep the colors bright and vivid when the screen saver is active, super useful if you want Relaxing Clock to shine
We use to guess your position based on where you are connecting from. This is not 100% reliable, especially if you are connecting with a VPN